Thursday, June 19, 2014

back at it.

Well friends, I'm at it again.  My occupation has once again dragged me back into working with the masses.  I've been pretty quiet about the idiotic general public of late--feeling guilty for bitching and moaning, encouraged to keep it to myself and be thankful that I am, in fact, employed, and trying to extrude a bit of professional integrity (not get in trouble by my superiors who might be stalking my social networking).

But I just talked to "Diane", who is upset that the backpacks we make don't fit her.  Our hipbelts extend all the way to 52 inches--too small for Diane.  And our frames adjust all the way down to 15 inches--still too big for Diane.  So Diane is shaped like a hamburger bun.  What happens when people shaped like hamburger buns can't get a backpack to fit them?  I get a phone call from them, pissed off.

And just now, "Dan" called with a similar complaint that my company is directly responsible for: Dan has gained a lot of weight since purchasing his jacket from us last year.  He would like us to give him a new one for free.  We said no.  Dan became somewhat belligerent, "Now what am s'posed to do??  I've got a jacket that I can't wear anymore!!"  Dan, your fatness is not my problem.

This is why I am here once again.  God bless us all.