Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Back in the Saddle. The Saddle of Horrid, Horrid Retail. That Doesn't Even Make Sense.

Well that didn't take long.

For the time being, I'm back in retail.  Until my wife and I sell our house, which is proving to be a much longer process than we had initially thought, I am working at two stores that I once managed. Weird.

I'll be picking up hours at the fly shop, as well as a guide trip here and there.  You probably won't hear me bitching about that, seeing as how I like the fly shop.  Sure, there are legions of helpless people that want you to sit down with them (or chat for hours on the phone) and teach them everything there is to know about fly fishing in two hours (they never bother researching it themselves beforehand), while other customers are needing assistance, the phone is ringing off the hook, and guide trips are piling up.  They're oblivious.  But to me, it's doable...and sometimes actually pleasant.  Especially compared to my other "job".  The one that inspired this blog.

My other "job" is the one that I just left due to my wife and I "moving to St. Louis".  That's in quotes because at this rate I'm not sure if it will ever happen.  That's a different story...  It's an outdoor clothing and equipment store located on a pedestrian mall in Boulder.  It sucks.  But in addition to it's original suckiness, the store has a new manager...a manager of whom I think is a douche.  He's the ultimate ass-kisser, has no personality outside of what the Management Handbook requires of him, and is already making me want to throw up just by listening to his fake, salesman's tone and business catch-phrases (see: "Moving forward" and "Reaching out").

Needless to say, we should be reading some entertaining material about this ass-clown by the end of the week.  Add to that all the brainless consumers that frequent this particular store, and you've got me about to lose it--which is good entertainment for all of us.

My temporary career transition will require patience and the swallowing of some pride in order to supplement my savings, but my passive-aggressiveness will live on through script.  I hope we can all get a good laugh out of my poor job-related decisions.  I mean that sincerely and from the heart.

Please enjoy your jobs today.  Try not to strangle anyone.  I'll do the same.


1 comment:

  1. And here I sit today all alone in my little office. I even have caller ID on the phone so I can decide whether or not to answer it or let it go to voicemail -- if it even rings that is. AND I've even got the door locked today since I'm not expecting anyone. This avoided a potential face-to-face with the creepy mailman. (note to self, go pick up the mail off the floor in front of the mail slot when done typing.) I WILL however get out at lunch, I need food and this will force me into a tiny bit of interaction with other humans. Then it's back to my lonely quiet office for a couple more hours. Jealous yet?
