Saturday, October 6, 2012

Been A While.

Yes, it has been a while.

I apologize to everyone for quitting my horrible retail job that fueled this blog for months.  It made me crazy, and that, along with some other life-altering decisions, has been the reasoning for the death of this blog.

But please do not fear, as I am back in retail.  Albeit at a place that I actually like, dealing with customers that I actually don't mind, discussing things that I actually dig.  But even at the fly shop, customers can get pretty damn annoying at times.  You have to juggle the pretentious know-it-alls, the clueless, lazy beginners, and everyone in between.

The know-it-alls always have questions.  Everyone does.  Everyone.  But quickly after you answer their question, the know-it-all promptly disagrees with you.

"What's fishing well?"

"Well, the Big Thompson has been fishing better than most anything lately."  I answer.

"Baaah, you're kidding!  Water levels are too low!  The fish are too damn spooky right now.  Why would you go there instead of Boulder Creek??"

Because fuck you.  How 'bout that?

I like the beginners.  Everybody's got to start somewhere, I totally get that.  But do at least a hint of research before you take half a day of my time asking me to teach you everything there ever was to know about fly fishing.  I don't golf, but if I were to decide to get into golfing, I would certainly do some research in the form of reading books and websites, studying up on the rules, techniques, terminology, and equipment.  I would not go into a golf pro-shop, walk up to clerk and say, "I'm interested in golf.  Tell me about golf."  That statement is with minimal exaggeration.

The main redundancy in fly fishing retail is the hearing the following statement by one out of every three customers..."I've got a question."  Every.  Day.  Most times they're harmless questions--mainly about what the magic fly of the day is.  But sometimes it's a ridiculous question with a ridiculous reaction to the answer.

"What can you tell me about some random river four states away that no one has ever heard of?"  is basically what you're asking me.

"I don't know, man.  I've never fished there.  I'd contact a guide from that area if I were you."

"Really??  You don't know ANYTHING about that river???"

"Well, the only thing I really know about it is fuck you."

Keep in mind, I actually enjoy my job.  I'd just enjoy it more if idiots didn't come in and talk to me.


1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Retail would be a better place without customers.:) and guess what Christmas is on its way soon as well. Welcome back to retail and all the fun and games it brings. Please pop along to my site which is similar to yours. I could do with the followers and comments.
