Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Email Complaint.

The following email chain was copied and pasted from my work email minutes ago.

Hello everybody. I have a customer who rolled up to the Pearl St. location last night at (according to his watch) 5 minutes until 8:00. We’ve checked the time the alarm was set, and nothing in the closing procedure gave Jeff nor I reason to think that the store was shut down unnecessarily early. That being said, he is a bit unhappy due to his perception that the store was closed before scheduled time. He and his wife were coming in to pick up a Kenai for his daughter. He is requesting that we give him the sale price on this. Jeff and I feel that it is not unreasonable and a chance to get another fan for life. If you do not have the product in-house, offer him the in-store shipping, and if we need to credit something back on our end, reply to this e-mail with the order number and the amount we need to credit him. His name is Jon Wolfe, and he plans to come in this evening between 5:00 and 8:00. 

My response:

As the closing manager last night, I can assure everyone involved that we did not close the gates until 8pm. It's unfortunate that an extremely slow watch on the wrist of a customer warranted a complaint and investigation. My faith in humanity has once again been compromised.
Can I hold a particular size for this customer?
God Save Us,

If Jon Wolfe ever ends up reading this was my turd wrapped in your Kenai jacket, Jon.  Maybe next time you can buy your fucking jacket during the ten hours that the store is actually open.



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